Your general liability policy is the backbone of your policy. Covering small 3rd party injuries to a range of other incidents, it can be the difference between breaking the bank or saving a business.
This insurance coverage protects the vehicles you use from heavy tow trucks with rotators to light tow trucks or even a company vehicle. These vehicles should be insured for both accident related incidents as well as collision and non-collision damages.
Your inland marine policy protects not only removable tools from your truck, but also protects any Detachable Towing Units (DTUs) you may use.
This policy which can be known as pollution insurance covers any incidents related to a spill of hazardous materials. If you were saying, towing a oil tanker or even small work truck with an external gas tank, this insurance would ensure you are protected in case of any accidents resulting in a spill.
Reliable Risk Management is always available to help its partners with a range of strategies including but not limited to:
• Meeting OSHA hazard requirement
• A best practices safety library
• The ability to build a behavior-based safety program
• Create effective efficient employee training
Our team is here to help you find the coverage you need, whether it be a new insurance policy or revisions to a previous policy. Get in touch with us today!